alphaZ Subscription
Full site access to download all documents and remote support.
An alphaZ subscription provides unlimited access to download all the documents and toolkits on this web site.
If you would like documents prepared with your company name and logo free document preparation is included with the subscription.
In addition subscribers can also benefit from discounted remote support including unlimited phone and email support as well as the option to book meetings or request remote assistance to help with review and development of management systems.
The price displayed is the monthly payment for a minimum term of 12 months and subscription can be cancelled at any time after this. Price indicated does not include VAT which will be added, if applicable, at the checkout.
Subscription includes;
- Access to all the documents
- Free document preparation
- ISO and H&S email update service
- Unlimited email / phone support
- Option to purchase remote support at discounted rate
Clause-based Management System Conversion Service
Conversion of ISO-clause based, admin-intensive and unusable management systems into user-friendly format
Gap Analysis and Management System Review
ISO gap analysis and review of existing management systems
Integrated Management System (IMS) Setup
Design and preparation of integrated management system documentation
IMS Implementation Planning and Guidance
Preparation of an implementation checklist and planning and completion of required actions
Internal Auditing and Pre-Certification Checks
Internal audits, compliance review and pre-audit assessment service
Training on relevant topics including internal auditor training and ISO awareness
ISO and Management Consultancy
General consultancy advice including certification advice, legal compliance and management system setup
alphaZ Control - Cloud Based IMS Setup
Management system can be fully setup on existing cloud or we can assist with setup of a new cloud based location
Discounted Monthly Subscription
Discounted monthly subscription / monthly payment is available for the following customer groups;
- isoassured certification / consultancy clients
- Customers who have purchased a download pass (within the last 6 months)
- Remote support clients (purchased within the last 6 months)
Please contact us to apply for discounted / monthly-payment subscription or purchase this product and select 'Pay by Bank Transfer / Direct Debit' at checkout and we'll be in touch to confirm the monthly payment amount.