This includes the setup of full management system documentation using any toolkit on this site, or a custom toolkit, with your company name and logo added as well as the review and incorporation / conversion of any existing management systems covering any of the ISO standards covered by the new system setup.
Simply supply us your current documentation, company name, company logo and specify which standards you want covered and we'll prepare and supply you a fully integrated management system that is based around existing good practice and current processes. The management system will utilise our IMS1 manual which provides a simple and easy to follow overview of your business processes and is not based on an ISO standard (we will also supply full-clause correlation documents for auditing and keeping the ISO puritans happy).
If you have setup your own management system and followed the clause structure of an ISO standard and are now looking to convert this into something more readable / usable or are looking to also add additional ISO standards then this service is for you.
1 month site subscription is also included.
Clause based management systems are very limited and aren't really suitable for the purpose for which they are intended i.e. describing how an organisation is managed. There are a lot of ISO toolkits available to purchase online and most of them are ISO clause-based and should be avoided if you want a management system that provides some benefit to your organisation and which can be actually used and followed.
The main problems with clause-based management systems;
- Horrible to read - they are based on an abstract ISO standard and not your business and invariably include lots of unnecessary jargon and gobbledegook
- Difficult to follow - the structure of the document follows an abstract ISO standard rather than the structure of your organisation
- Repetitive - if your management systems covers more than 1 standard the fact that the ISO management standards cover a number of common requirements will mean that following the clauses of each standard will lead to a lot of repetition and duplication
- Horrible to use - there's so much repetition and ISO-clause focus that important things that should be followed are either missed entirely or located in some obscure location that makes no sense
- Self-serving nonsense - some ISO-clause-based management systems are overly complicated with a heavy burden of ongoing maintenance and can be a self-serving administrative process which adds considerable overhead in terms of time without any real benefit
- Expensive and Complicated - ISO Certification does not need hugely complicated and elaborate management systems to be prepared, the simpler the better, and some more expensive toolkit / template packages appear to justify the expense by providing very complicated systems which comprise a large number of interconnected documents and unnecessary time consuming procedures based on the ISO standards rather than being based on actual business processes
If you've already spent a lot of time and / or money on expensive ISO-clause-based management systems and are looking for an escape route from the excessive admin and unworkable systems you've been saddled with then this service provides a simple and low cost solution - any number of standards can be included in our simple and business focussed integrated management systems.
You will be allocated a named consultant (or team if required) and will have direct access to them via email, telephone or using our online support system and a full review of existing management systems will be completed to ensure key elements are incorporated into the updated integrated system.