File Reference : | IMS1 Health and Safety Responsibilities |
Date File Updated | 29-07-22 |
File Format | MS Word |
No. of files | 1 |
Category | IMS1 Manual | Tags: ISO 45001, SSIP |
This document template outlines the responsibilities under health and safety for different roles within a company.
The appendix can be added to or referenced within the IMS1 Manual.
The responsibilities document can be used when completing SSIP pre-qualification schemes - it also has relevance to health and safety legislation and can be used as a guide.
Role categories covered by the template include:
- Managing Director
- Director
- Manager
- Supervisor
- Health & Safety Lead
- Health & Safety Advisor
- Employee
- Contractor/ Sub-contractor
V2 of this document includes additional responsibilities including principal designer/ designer and commercial/ domestic client. This version is more appropriate for these types of applicants to SSIP schemes.
The document template should be customized/ adapted to reflect current responsibilities and arrangements.
[Information Classification: Business Use]