ER1 Issues Actions Register
Simple to use but comprehensive and intuitive issues register. This register can be used to log all issues including all aspects of investigation and action taken or completed in conjunction with/with..
ER2 Staff Training Competency Matrix
A simple training and competency matrix for logging of pertinent data relating to staff and worker competence and details of any expiry or renewal dates to helps manage training and competency. A..
ER3 Key Supplier Contractor Register
A simple register for logging details of Key Suppliers or Sub-Contractors (defined as suppliers where the product / service supplied could impact on the quality of our own product / service provision)..
ER4 Equipment Vehicles Register
A simple equipment register for listing all equipment that may require maintenance, servicing and any other scheduled checks.Can also be used as an asset register - to list machinery/assets in use by ..
ER14 Hazard Risk Assessment Register
A simple register that can be used to identify and review hazards and risks associated with operational activities and premises. Keep track of any key risk assessments completed with due dates fo..
ER15 Information Security Risks
This register supports compliance with ISO 27001:2022. This register provides a comprehensive listing and analysis of all Information Security risks and treatments and is intended to be useful an..
ER18 Accident Statistics
The ER18 Accident Statistics document is a register template which may be used to record accident data and to review and summarise accident statistics. In particular the register can be used to genera..
ER5 Customer Feedback Analysis Register
This register can be used to log responses to customer questionnaires. Designed to correspond to F-Q12 - Customer Questionnaire, the column headings on 'Feedback Data' data input sheet match the..
ER6 Purchase Order Register
This register can be used to generate Purchase Orders if your organisation does not already have accounting software to manage this or if you have a process where additional controls over purchasing,..
ER7 Enquiry Quote Register
This register is used to log and keep track of enquiries received as well as any quotes supplied. Details of enquiries, name of enquiry contact, who the enquiry has been assigned to, enquiry type, cur..
ER8 Job Register
Register for allocating job numbers to jobs and also tracking status of work activities. Each job entered has due date and completion date fields and also field for logging invoice data so can be used..
ER9 Legal Register
Simple register for compilation all relevant legislation into a single list.A legal compliance review sheet is included to review and log any new legislation which may impact your business. The r..
ER10 IT Equipment Logins Register
This register is used to keep a track of IT equipment and logins.Register has a worksheet setup for listing of IT Equipment including; Item No., date purchased, type (controlled entry field), owner, s..
ER11 Audit Schedule
This register is used to schedule and keep track of completed internal audits.This audit planner makes use of risk-based analysis to assist with audit planning and includes various other features to ..
ER12 Breakdown Register
Register used to log breakdowns with equipment and plant.Register is made up of a sheet for logging all plant (Plant List) and sheet for logging all breakdowns and an analysis sheet where the total nu..
ER16 Business Continuity Risk Register
This register is intended to assist with development of an overall Business Continuity Management System to the requirements of ISO 22301:2012 / ISO 22301:2019 but can also be used by any organisation..
ER17 Vehicles Register
For keeping track of company vehicle maintenance, repairs and service history.This register is similar to ER4 Equipment register but amended for logging of details relating to vehicles.Vehicles regist..
ER19 Staff Competency Training Development Planner
Staff Competency Training Development Planner is an Excel Spreadsheet register for logging worker competence and training completed and planned.Competency rating sheet allows scores to be entered for ..
ER20 FORS Vehicles Register
Vehicles register designed to assist with meeting the requirements of the Fleet Operators Recognition Scheme (FORS) standard.This vehicles register includes details for each vehicle including details ..
ER21 Personal Data Register
This Register is used to summarise personal data collected, held or processed and includes a Record of Processing Activities (ROPA), summary of data transfers, access requests, data breaches and a ..
ER22 Hospitality and Gifts Register
This register is used to record and review hospitality or gifts either offered or received from external parties. It can be used to reduce, manage or eliminate the occurrence of bribery within th..
ER23 Fuel Emissions Register
This register is used to record fuel emissions (CO2) and NOX Featured in the spreadsheet are: Vehicles ListFuel Log Fuel-Emissions-Analysis Overall Usage Graphs Vehicle Usage ..
ER24 Consumer Vulnerability Register
This register is used to map and document risks posed to vulnerable consumers. It references the F-IMS58 Consumer Vulnerability Risks Register which details the risk factors - triggers and signs. ..
ER33 Key Supplier Bribery Risk Register
The ER33 Key Supplier Bribery Risk Register is designed to allow businesses to list key suppliers to their business and rate the bribery risks which these parties represent. The register allows f..
> Excel Registers
These Excel Registers (ER's) have been prepared using spreadsheet software (MS Excel) and are designed to assist with management of data and can be used to hold, manage and analyse larger quantities of data. Simpler non-spreadsheet versions of these registers are also available in Form Templates and also as Integrated Management System Registers IMS Registers