ISO 22301 Toolkit
File Reference : ISO 22301 Toolkit
Date File Updated 10-09-24
File Format pdf, xls, doc, zip, Google Docs, Google Sheets
No. of files 116
Category Toolkits
Tags: ISO 22301
  • £395.00

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ISO 22301 Toolkit

How to Download

To get access to this toolkit please click on Add to Cart to purchase for immediate download. Also available with a Download Pass , alphaZ Subscription, or Remote Support.

Free Clause-based Conversion Service!

We are currently offering a free ISO-clause-based management system conversion service with every toolkit.
If you have developed or purchased a management system which follows the ISO standard clause structure and are now looking to develop this into something more usable or integrate with other ISO standards this service can save you a lot of time - we'll review and convert current systems over to the alphaZ structure and supply back to you in a neat and concise IMS structure with your company name / logo added to all documents, ready to use but with all the duplication and useless junk & jargon removed!

This toolkit includes all the files you will need to set up an effective and easy-to-use manage management system that meets the requirements of the ISO 22301:2019 business continuity management standard and can be used by businesses that are looking to achieve certification. All IMS files supplied are in an editable format and can be easily updated and adapted with your company details.

If you would like all the files supplied with your company name and logo already added select the Document Preparation option. For full assistance with preparation and implementation of management systems select the Remote Support option.

Effective and comprehensive management system - instead of spending a lot of time trying to read and understand the ISO standards or creating new forms and writing policies from scratch download and use this toolkit to get a massive head-start when setting up or updating ISO compliant management systems.

Effective and comprehensive management system - instead of spending a lot of time trying to read and understand the ISO standards or creating new forms and writing policies from scratch download and use this toolkit to get a massive head-start when setting up or updating ISO compliant management systems.

Full Package

  • Reach compliance quickly and easily with this toolkit
  • Dependable for audit success; the logical file structure will help you easily navigate the system
  • Time saving; save time on getting the files you need by purchasing this all-inclusive toolkit
  • Achieve ISO 22301 compliance and certification

Full Guidance

  • Full manual guidance document (how to guide) included
  • Explainer videos included - comprehensive walk through of the system


  • All the documents detailed below in fully editable format
  • Unlimited free updates
  • Unlimited email support
  • ISO compliance guarantee or your money back
  • Simple to follow guidance including explainer videos
  • A positive experience when implementing management systems

Files included with this Toolkit;

File Category in aZ Documents Files Included Description
Management System Documentation > IMS1 Manual

The IMS1 manual is an Integrated Management System (IMS) overview document and the guidance / references documents are both guidance documents to assist with setting up an integrated management system.

IMS1-22301 Update Guidance - this guidance document provides step-by-step instructions for setting up management systems which can be used with any IMS1 manual to allow any combination of standards to be covered in addition to ISO 22301.

Management System Documentation > IMS Implementation Checklists
  • 6 x Implementation checklists including gap analysis
Optional checklists that can be used when preparing to implement management systems (completing a gap analysis), implementing or checking an implemented management system.
Management System Documentation > ISO Correlations Reference only correlation which lists each clause in the ISO standard with details of where evidence of ISO compliance is covered in the IMS. Useful reference if asked for evidence of compliance against any ISO clauses during an ISO certification audit.
Form Templates

Various forms relating to business continuity management and which may be required for functioning of the BCMS.

Policies Short version of business continuity policy-procedure which can be shared with interested parties.

ER3 Key Supplier Register is V2 of this register which includes a continuity risk rating for all suppliers.

ER16 Business Continuity Risk Register is key register for reviewing and documenting critical functions, continuity priority, impact and analysis and monitoring and testing arrangements.


PP-1-05 Business Continuity Policy Procedure is key overview of continuity arrangements.

The other procedures are provided as samples and may not be required, Additional procedures can be added using these templates or blank policy-procedure template.

Training / Guidance > Training Talks
  • 13 x Training Talks
Trainings Talks and Attendance form pre-populated with details of the IMS system and ISO compliance for documenting training completed with workers.
Training / Guidance > Handbooks Editable Staff handbooks which include reference to the IMS and other key information.
Training / Guidance > Training Certificates
  • 4 x Training Certificate templates
Training certificates that can be issued to staff to evidence that trained in key aspects of relevance to the management system including internal auditing and awareness of the ISO standards.
Note: There is no specific qualification required by the ISO standards but some certification bodies will expect to see some evidence of training / competence.
Training / Guidance > Training Presentations Training presentations in MS Powerpoint format that can be used when training workers.
Audit Checklists
  • 24 x Audit Checklists

Various checklists for assistance with completion of management system audits (Internal Audits) prepared using the F-Q2 Audit Checklist Form.

Some checklists are based on the IMS1 management system manual, others are based on ISO standards and some are sample audit checklists of key activities or processes.

Ongoing Support

Various resources are provided to ensure the alphaZ package includes everything required to plan, implement and maintain management systems and ISO compliance. There are ongoing updates to the package and a subscription can be retained to ensure ongoing access to documents and updates.


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